Access and Inclusion
Access and Inclusion at Michael Clarke Recreation Centre
Michael Clarke Recreation Centre is inclusive and accessible for people with disability, including members and visitors with dogs to assist the hearing or visually impaired. Within the facility we offer you Wheelchair access, Lift access and Accesible change facilities
Free entry is permitted to carers and companions with a carer or companion card. We are proud to have Heroes with Ability partnered with us and Cerge - Your digital concierge, Deliver Access + Promote Inclusion.
Heroes with Ability- Breaking down Barriers
When we started Heroes with Ability three years ago, we did it with one thing in mind, to give people living with disability, the opportunity to play sport. We thought that we could teach new skills, lessons, and experiences to people who have never been given the chance.
Three years later, we have been taught by these heroes, more than we could ever teach them. Each day, we have learnt from these heroes.
We could never have imagined the growth that we have experienced in just three years. However, this growth has just further fuelled our desire to provide more opportunities for people living with disability.
We want to help remove social barriers for all people in Australia with a disability, so they can reach their full potential.
We want to help remove social barriers for all people in Australia with disability, so they can reach their full potential.
Heroes With Ability’s aim is to inspire, teach, motivate, as well as incorporate all aspects of health & wellbeing, social inclusion, and raising community awareness.
To provide interactive and stimulating events and programs that focus on both mental and physical health and wellbeing.
We are proud to have AFFORD as our Major Partner. Affords mission is to provide innovative, flexible and high quality support to enhance lifestyle, learning and vocational opportunities for people with disability, their families and carers.